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Ten 20-Minute Things You Can Do to Reduce Stress

Reduce Stress image of things that cause stress.

Techniques to Quickly Reduce Stress in 20 Minutes or Less

With as fast as we all seem to run these days, it’s nearly impossible to avoid stress. It is sad, really, and I am telling you, I hate the word “stress.” Unfortunately, feelings of being overwhelmed, doubt, and frustration are a typical part of everyday life for everyone. From the exhausted moms with newborns who hardly sleep to the female small business owner trying to make her way in the world to the busy celebrities bombarded by the press, it really doesn’t matter who you are. You’ve probably experienced some kind of stress in the last 24 hours, and many of us struggle with chronic stress. Want to know ten 20-minute things you can do to reduce stress? Well, that is why you are here. Let me help!

In my experience, through excessive busyness, it’s essential to prioritize our well-being and find moments of calm in the chaos. In this article, we explore ten simple yet effective strategies that require just 20 minutes of your time. That’s right, 20 minutes is enough time to significantly lower stress levels when you do it right and there’s something for everyone! Discover a range of easy techniques to help you reduce stress hormones and create peace and balance in your life.

Woman with her head on her desk worn out.

How to Practice Stress Relief in 10 Different Ways

How do you reduce stress hormones and reduce those cortisol levels? I tell ya, it is not so easy if you are not conscientiously thinking about it. We need a plan!

Whether you’re juggling work deadlines, family responsibilities, or personal challenges, these manageable actions will empower you to control your mental and emotional state, one passing moment at a time.

1 | Learn Some Deep Breathing Exercises

If you find yourself in a moment of stress or panic, one of the most efficient ways to reduce those uncomfortable feelings is to breathe. That’s right– The answer may be as simple as practicing something we do every second of our lives!

However, it’s not as simple as stopping what you’re doing and breathing as you normally do. When you’re experiencing stress, find a comfortable environment and spend just 20 minutes practicing deep breathing exercises. One easy way to do this is to inhale deeply through your nose, hold your breath for a few seconds, and slowly exhale through your mouth.

If deep breathing exercises prove to reduce your stress responses, like depressive symptoms, heightened anxiety levels, muscle tension, and an endless list of other physical symptoms, consider looking into the many other styles of deep breathing to discover what works best for you!

Healthline.com lists the following techniques.

  • Pursed lip breathing
  • Belly breathing
  • Breath focus
  • Lion’s breath
  • Alternate nostril breathing
  • Equal breathing
  • Resonant breathing
  • Sitali breath
  • Deep breathing
  • Humming bee breath
  • Takeaway

Woman at the beach taking deep breaths to reduce stress.

2 | Quick Meditation Session

It wasn’t until more recent years that meditation has been more widely accepted as a coping mechanism and not only a spiritual or religious practice. No matter who you are, you can benefit from the practice of meditation. Daily meditation has proven to reduce general stress levels significantly. However, you can start by taking 20 minutes in a peaceful space when things become overwhelming or negative thoughts plague your mind. Get into a comfortable, relaxed position, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. Now, that may sound easy, but sitting in silence and feeling a sense of calm is not easy for most people.

So, instead, use a guided meditation app designed to help you meditate and quiet your mind in times of stress.

Forbes.com suggests the following types of guided meditation that are readily available in podcast, audio, and even Alexa versions. They are:

  • Body Scans – a progressive muscle relaxation
  • Loving-Kindness (metta)
  • Breathwork – deep breaths with mindfulness
  • Working Meditation
  • Tapping Meditation
  • Visualization
  • and the best way, in my opinion, is prayer.

These meditations have health benefits, too! They help to lower your respiration, slow your heart rate, and lower high blood pressure.

3 | Take a Short Walk

In times of intense stress, it’s not always easy to sit still. In this case, consider a change of scenery by taking a short 20-minute walk to reduce overstimulation, frustration, or anxiety. Step outside for a brisk 20-minute walk. Fresh air and physical activity can do wonders for your stress response and levels as well as your overall physical health.

4 | Listen to Calming Music

Many people find peace and stillness in music. If you feel connected to music, one of the best ways to reduce stress is to take 20 minutes to listen to calming tunes. Create a playlist of your favorite stress-relieving music, lay down or sit in a comfortable position, put on your headphones, and immerse yourself in the tranquil sounds.

5 | Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness has become one of those trendy buzzwords you may be tired of hearing. However, it is an age-old practice that effectively calms the brain. So, the hype is not without good reason!

Reduce stress by practicing mindfulness wherever you are. All you need to do is focus on the present moment and engage in all your senses:

  • Sights- What do you see around you? Look closely and find the little details.
  • Smells- Take a deep breath through your nose and notice the scents that surround you.
  • Hearing- Close your eyes and take a moment to listen closely to your environment. Try to identify even the most subtle of sounds.
  • Touch- Allow your fingers to glide along the different textures around you. How do the unique surfaces make you feel– cozy, uncomfortable, clean?
  • Tastes- To fully engage in taste, it helps to keep candy or peppermints in your pocket when you need to take 20 minutes to practice mindfulness. Pop a mint into your mouth and focus on how it makes you feel.
  • Mindfulness isn’t a magical cure-all – It’s an effective way to be in the moment and separate yourself from your stressful thoughts. When you focus onthis sensory experience, you suddenly are immersed in the present instead of dwelling on the past or future, which may be causing your stress response.

6 | Begin Journaling

When you’re in stressful situations, and you don’t have much time, one of my favorite quick ways is to spend the short time you may have writing. Use a designated journal or any scrap of paper and get all your inner thoughts and feelings out of your mind and onto the paper.

Now, there are a few ways to approach journaling.

  1. You can keep it free by writing your thoughts as they flow– the good and the bad. Whatever pops into your brain goes onto the paper without being concerned about punctuation, grammar, or format.
  2. Another way to journal and reduce stress is to make a daily practice of starting your day with gratitude. Each morning, take out your journal and reflect on the things you are grateful for. It’s an excellent way to begin your day on a positive note!
  3. Additionally, there are many other styles of journaling. A quick Google search can provide you with endless journaling methods that help to reduce stress.

7 | Take Up Stretching or Yoga

Getting your body moving is a great way to reduce overwhelm, frustration, anxiety, tension, and other stress-related feelings. Make part of your daily routine to perform a quick 20-minute stretching or yoga routine. This can help release physical tension and promote relaxation. Another way to approach this technique is to take a few minutes to stretch when you’re in the midst of a stressful situation. It helps you think clearer by quieting the mind and getting your blood flowing. Other forms of these practices are taking a Tai Chi class, getting into Pilates, or just moving your body to some soothing music.

Woman sitting at her desk stretching to reduce stress.

8 | Have a Cup of Tea

Yes, there is a good reason the Brits take tea in the afternoon! Brewing a calming herbal tea and taking a few minutes to savor it can do wonders. While pouring a cup of tea at your office desk may take the edge off, this method is more effective when you immerse yourself in it. Take 20 minutes to stop what you’re doing and sip on your warm and comforting tea as you practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques and really enjoy the moment.

9 | Visualize a Happy Place

For some, simply imagining a calming and blissful scene reduces stress does a lot. My restful, happy place is different from that of my fun-loving, happy place. For soothing and relaxing practice, the beach is where it is at for me!

Any place you choose is the right one, though. Try this technique by closing your eyes and spending 20 minutes visualizing a peaceful and happy place. Imagine the scenery, sounds, and feelings associated with that place. Are you at the beach with your toes in the sand, sipping a cup of coffee on a porch overlooking the mountains, or cuddling up on the couch with your loved ones, watching your favorite movie?

10 | Laugh

One of the best ways to reduce stress is to allow yourself to laugh. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to do this with today’s social media platforms and video sites. Next time you’re feeling stressed, watch a funny movie, show, or video, read jokes, or spend time with a family member or friend who makes you laugh. Laughter can be a great stress reliever! In fact, that may be how I got through raising four teens. My boys constantly made me laugh till my sides hurt, and they still do it today!

“The human race has only one really effective weapon, and that is laughter,” said Mark Twain.

I have to say, this laughter is not just a quick haha or burst of joy, but a real laugh you feel from your head to your toes. It is a powerful health booster, kind of like a mini workout for your body and soul, relaxing every muscle group and improving overall health.

Here are a few of the benefits of laughing: immune boost, pain relief, improved heart health, enhanced mood, strengthened relationships, exercise, longevity, and, of course, stress reduction.

A Personal Approach to Things You Can Do to Reduce Stress Hormones

Reducing stress is easier than it seems! With just 20 minutes of immersing yourself in one of the simple techniques above, you can relieve those negative feelings and find a sense of peace and calm. And there are so many other ways, like using a diffuser with essential oils, getting out into nature, making a to-do list and walking away from it, having social support, getting enough sleep, and more. And, if you’re experiencing acute stress that seems to never let up, it may be time to consider professional help. Don’t be afraid to get the assistance you need to be the healthiest and best you!

Remember that everyone is different, from the overwhelmed college students working part-time jobs to self-starters getting ahead day and night. So, feel free to customize these activities based on what works best for you. Incorporating these short breaks into your routine can contribute to better stress management over time.

And hey, have a blessed day! -Sunni

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